Publications Local News: October 23, 2021 JOINT WORK OF THE GROUPS FROM PGI AND STATE NATURE RESERVE PASVIK RELATED TO THE SKY OBSERVATION CAMERA IN THE STATE NATURE RESERVE PASVIK, RAJAKOSKI Web-page of the PGI http://pgia.ru/lang/ru/archives/10075 http://pgia.ru/lang/en/archives/10075 The network pages of the State Nature Reserve Pasvik https://m.vk.com/wall-84916495_2559 Web-page of the State Nature Reserve Pasvik https://pasvik-reserve.ru/tpost/609ldsinj1-severnoe-siyanie-proverka-kameri-i-pozna The local media service Kn51 https://kn51.ru/2021/3/22/v-magu-govorili-ob-ekoturizme-i-arkticheskoy-prirode.html https://kn51.ru/2021/10/27/shkolniki-rayakoski-uznali-bolshe-o-severnom-siyanii.html August 23-24, 2021 THE JOINT WORK OF THE GROUPS FROM PGI AND STATE NATURE RESERVE PASVIK RELATED TO THE CAMERA INSTALLATION IN THE NATURE RESERVE INFORMATION CENTRE IN RAJAKOSKI. The plots of the TV and radio company GTRK "Murman" - "Monitoring of the northern lights for the needs of tourism". Morning video Evening video The local media service Severpost https://m.severpost.ru/read/121460/ https://severpost.ru/read/121324/ The network pages of the State Nature Reserve Pasvik and informational partner TV-21 1) Web-site of TV-21 https://www.tv21.ru/news/2021/08/26/severnoe-siyanie-v-murmanskoy-oblasti-mozhno-budet-uvidet-onlayn 2) Web-site of the State Nature Reserve Pasvik https://www.facebook.com/162848140452911/posts/6072843492786650/ https://m.vk.com/wall-84916495_2387 Web-site of PGI http://pgia.ru/lang/ru/archives/10002 http://pgia.ru/lang/en/archives/10002 The plot of the TV and radio company GTRK "Murman" - "Monitoring of the northern lights for the needs of tourism" On March 23, 2021, the kick-off meeting was held within the framework of the international project "Aurora Borealis Monitoring System for the Needs of the Tourism Business" which is being implemented under the Kolarctic CBC Program 2014-2020 On March 1, 2021, implementation of the international project "Aurora Borealis monitoring system for tourism business needs" begins. Web-page of the PGI: The local media service: https://www.nord-news.ru/news/2021/02/26/?newsid=130460 https://www.severpost.ru/read/111521/ https://b-port.com/news/250095 http://pgia.ru/lang/ru/archives/9805 |