The 20AEM Conference
Proceedings were published in 1994 in special volume V.34 #5 of
«Geomagnetism and Aeronomy». Several papers were published in
next volume V.34 #6.
«Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy» V.34. #5.
Title and
I.,Lubchich A., Yahnin A., Galperin Yu.I., I‘Venherstrom S.,
Aulamo 0., Graven J. Region of Cusp-Like Precipitation at Day Side
High Latitudes During Steady Magnetospheric Convection.
Kozelova T.V.,
Lazutin L.L. Auroral Dynamics and Maghetospheric Disturbances Near
the Synchronous orbit in the Afternoon Sector.
Gavrilov B.G.,
Podgorny A.I., Podgorny I.M., Zetzer J.Y. Investigation of the
Field-Aligned Current Generation During the Injection of Plasma
Jet into the Magnetosphere.
Podgorny A.I.,
Podgorny I.M., Minami S. The Origin of Fast Electron
Precipitations in the Polar Atmosphere.
Zaitsev D.B.,
Novikov Yu.P., Tagirov V.R., Chernouss S.A. Investigations of
Space-Time Behaviour of the Disturbed Polar Ionosphere by Optical
TV and Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Measurements.
Novikov Yu.P.,
Mironov A;A., Titova E.E., Yakhnina T.A., Tagirov V.R., Chernouss
S;A., Salin V.I., Manninen J., Turunen T. Space-Time Variations of
Pulsed Auroral Spots and Their Relevance to the Chorus-Type VLF
Smirnov V.S.,
Titova E.E., Yakhnina T.A. Narrow-Banded ELF Emissions and Auroral
Manninen J.,
Turunen T., Kultima J., Titove E. Correlating Optical Emissions,
Quasi-Periodic VLF Emissions and Magnetic Pc3 Pulsations.
Kanev K.D.,
Mendeva B.D., Krastev D.G. The Equatorward Auroral Boundary
Determined from IK-Bulgaria-1300 Satellite Measurements.
Krastev D.G.,
Petkov N.P., Kanev K.D., Tanev T.P., Hristov G.K. Photometric
system for Active Experiments in Space Plasma.
Alexeyev V.N.,
Ievenko I.B. Observations of Stable Auroral Red Arcs (SAR-Arcs) in
Alexeyev V.N.,
Ievenko I.B., Yugov V.A., Ignatyev v.M., Khalipov v.L. Complex
Photometric, Interferometric and Ionospheric Measurements in the
SAR-Arc Observation Region.
Sigernes F.,
Fasel 6., Deehr C.S., Smith R.W., Lorentzen D.A., Wetjen L.T.,
Henriksen K. Proton Aurora on the Dayside.
Z.V., Kozelov B.V., Ivanov v.8. Excitation of the LBH Bands by
Proton Precipitation.
Kozelov B.V.,
Ivanov v.E., Sergienko T.I. Simplified Algorithm for Precise
Calculation of Spatial Distributions in Combined
Electron-Proton-Hydrogen Atom Aurora.
Kozelov B.V.
Calculation of Hb Emission in Aurora. Comparison with
T.L., Trakhtengertz V.Yu. Ozone Disturbance by Internal Gravity
Wave in a Shear-Flow and Possible Observational Appearance.
Bojkov R.D.,
Zerefos C.S., Balis D.S., Ziomas I.C., Bais A.F. Record Ozone
Minimum over Middle and High Latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere
During the Winter-Spring Season 1992/93.
Henriksen K.,
Larsen S.H.H.., shumilov 0.1., Thorkelsson B. Ground Based Ozone
Data Relevant to the AASE Campaign in 1989.
I.v., Andriyanov A.F., Dryagin S.Yu., Kukin L.M., Mazoor A.B.,
Mocheneva 0.8.; Nikiforov P.L. Ozone Depletion Over Antarctic a
During the October 1989 Events.
Yu.Yu., Fedoseev L.I., Krasil’nikov A.A., Ryskin V.G., Shanin
V.N. Microwave Monitoring of stratospheric Ozone Over Nizhny
Theodorsen A.,
Sirota V., Bersas s., Ornes H., Henriksen K. Surface Ozone
Investigations at Tromso and in Svalbard, using a Russian and
American type Ozonometer.
Yu.Yu., Kuznetsov I.V., Pegeev V.P., Ryskin V.G., Steen A.,
Suvorov E.V., Witt G. Microwave Observations of Stratospheric
Ozone in Kiruna.
Roldugin V.C.
Total Ozone Values and Sulfur Dioxide Content in Murmansk.
Varotsos C.
Vertical Ozone simulation in the Middle Atmosphere.
Varotsos C.,
Cracknell A.P. Total Ozone variations over Greece as deduced from
Satellite observations.
Khattatov V.,
Yushkov V., Khaplanov M., Zaitsev 1., Rosen J., Kjome N. Some
Results of Water Vapour, Ozone and Aerosol Balloon Measurements
During the EASOE Campaign.
Terez E.I.,
Terez G.A. The Long-Term Global Ozone Trend as a Function of the
Solar Constant Variation.
Davydov V.S.,
Pivovarov V.V. Some Results of 3-D Aurora Reconstruction Based on
Single TV Image and Height Profiles of Brightness.
Pivovarov V.V.
Local MR-12 Rocket Environment Glow and Its Influence on the
Rocket-Borne Atmospheric Optical studies.
Gordiets B.F.,
Grossmann K.U., Stepanovich A.N., Volmann K.H. Model of
Vibrational Kinetics CO2 in the Upper Atmosphere.
Nazarova E.G.
Analytical Expression tor Noctilucent Clouds and Polar Mesospheric
Clouds Occurrence. Probability from Data of Mesospheric
Temperature Measurements.
G.P. , Evtushevsky A.M. , Zaitsev S.N. , Romanovsky Yu.A.
Peculiarities of Cloud Dynamics in the CRRES Caribbean Releases in
the Ionosphere(0ptica1 Data).
Dubovik O.V.,
Oshchepkov S.L. , Lapyonok T.V. Improved Numerical Method for
Solving Inverse Problems of Atmospheric Optics.
Svenoe T. ,
Olsen M. , Henriksen K. , Stamnes K. Measurements of Lunar and
Solar Ultraviolet Spectra at High Latitudes.
Brisletov V.A.
, Davydov V. S. , Kazansky V.V. , Khokhlov V.N. Detection of Dust
Particle Layers at 60-90 km Altitude by a Rocket-Borne
Bais A.,F. ,
Zerefos C.S. , Tourpali K. Solar UV-B Measurements wifh a Double
Monochromator Brewer Spectrophotometer.
Gorbunov G. ,
Iljuhin V. , Economov A. , Moshkin B. Wide Spectral Range IR
Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Atmospheric Research from
«Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy» V.34. #6.
T.I.Pulkkinen, A.Huuskonen, K.Kauristie, W.J.Heikkila,
H.J.Opgenoorth, M.Pudovkin. The Trigger phase of magnetosperic
T.I.Pulkkinen and R.J.Pellinen, Dynamics of the auroral oval
during moderate substorms.
P.I.Domnin, Use
of Hemholtz resonator for enhancement of photoacoustic signals.
V.S.Davydov, A combined system for attitude control of the
rotating geophysical rockets.